Saturday, April 24, 2010

This will probably be my last post while actually in Ghana. Where did the time go? Seems like it just came and went. Tomorrow I go to church with the school head (Nana Simmons) and a few students. Afterwards they are going to host a good bye party for me. I am sad and happy and regretful and enthusiastic all at the same time. I have had a wonderful experience here. You just don’t realize how precious and short our time here in this world is. I am still working on my “in conclusion” speech :) but today I will leave you with this… God placed us here to live not exist, to experience not observe, and most of all... love, because ‘liking’ is not and never will be enough.

For those interested I will continue the blog for sometime after I get back home. Like I said, I have plenty of pictures, videos, and stories if you would care to listen, watch, and learn. And please post questions of things you want to know or issues you were curious about. I may have answers.


Hannah said...

When are you coming back to St. Louis pal? We miss you here in the good ole US!

Keisha said...

"God placed us here to live not exist, to experience not observe, and most of all... love, because ‘liking’ is not and never will be enough"

I confess in so many ways I've been guilty of existing and not living and observing and not experiencing. What are some ways to transition from one to the other?

I've really enjoyed your blog and I am praying for your safe return.

And now my questions:

-It is often said that we are all the same. After this experience, do you feel it's true or merely a cliche?

-Did you find what you were seeking by taking this trip?

-How has this trip changed you?

- Are there any misconceptions that you like to clear up?

- What would you do if you lost your passport? LOL
Hopefully,. that wasn't too many questions, but you asked. Have safe trip home.

Titus said...


It sucks that this is your last post but look forward to you getting back home safely and hope to speak to you when you return.