Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nouns and verbs

So my countdown to return has started. I only have one more weekend (9 days left to be exact). My time here has made me better appreciate the quality of life we live in the States. I don’t really know what to write about or what I would like to share. There were a lot of things that just make you go ‘hmm?’ but not much that you could sum up in a blog. These were experiences and personal accounts that you have to sleep on. I think I may have found what I was looking for; or maybe I just found that everything I needed was there all along. It’s hard to say. In fact a lot of things are hard to say right now. Lately I have written 2 or 3 unposted blog entry because I can’t find the words. I think some of the things I have been feeling are so overwhelming that it is just going to take time for me to understand and eventually explain. And then of course I have so many “this one time in Ghana” stories to tell. I have not made as many entries as I had planned and the majority of my trip is still untold, but I hope the few posts that I did make meant something to someone. I really wish I could have done a real world style video diary. I should have and posted it later. There is still time, maybe I will for the next couple of days.


The Queen of Hearts said...

As long as you're alive, you have time to tell your stories : ) No rush!

off with her head!

Chris said...

You are absolutely right! Thanks my new friend, btw i checked out your blog as well... good stuff