Monday, April 19, 2010

Living in a box

I was working on a blog post a while ago that I could not post. I was thinking about those horror stories about people being trapped and forced to grow up in side of a basement or dungeon. Being trapped in a house for decades at a time?! One of the more recent stories was an Austrian woman who was thought to be dead. Her kids had never seen the world outside of that prison! Can you imagine? My most memorable childhood experiences were the many camping trips my Dad took me on. What’s yours? Swimming in the ocean, catching your 1st foul baseball (Go Braves!), or maybe that sleep over when no one actually slept? Most of everyone’s major experiences have taken place outside of their home. Well, let us take the concept a little further. What if those four walls were your city, state? I initially hated it, but moving to Texas was a huge blessing in disguise. I was totally ignorant to that portion of the country. I thought I would see cowboys and Indians with their long rifles and bow n arrows. I was shocked when I saw skyscrapers and automobiles. I was looking for the OK corral and horse drawn carriages. Are you starting to see my point? When you live in a box you miss out on experience and you tend to lack a certain understand about life/ lifestyles. The person who has never stepped foot outdoors can’t understand that the sky is the limit because the ceiling is in the way. Realizing America was my box I am glad for this off chance to make it out. Circumstances can dictate our opportunities (which is the reason I am trying my best to share my experience), but if you have the chance see the world take it! You will be surprised at what it has to offer you.


Titus said...


I appreciate you sharing you experience and you speak the truth about how we can have a box mentality on life. It is not only good to see and learn about the lifestyle and experiences of others in a far off country but it is also a blessing to hear you learn day by day in a new world. I look forward to hearing one of your, one time in Ghana moments and hope that you continue to enjoy your experience while you are there.

Hannah said...

Glad you are having these great reflections. Sometimes it takes us being away from everything for us to really see what we do have and what we truly lack. Can't wait for you to come home so we can catch up! Miss & luv ya buddy!

Chris said...

Yeah you can definitely apply that box to so many areas of life. I am having a great time guys and I can't wait to get to Atlanta to catch up with both of you! Plenty of stories