Tuesday, April 27, 2010

These are some of my favorite things

This was my first night back in the States. I stayed the night in New York because I missed my connecting flight. Our plane from Ghana to New York was delayed 3hrs! Not because of Volcano ash in Europe, not twisters in the midwest, not oil spills in the Gulf, but because the pilots did not know how to fly from Ghana to New York! True story! They had no flight plans and were trying to figure out which countries they could and could not fly over. It was a very questionable experience for a well known carrier. It was Delta after all and they fly here all the time, how does that happen?! Anyway, I was very happy to be back and I still have to write a post on the thoughts I had while in route. Very unique for lack of a better word, but give me a few days and I will share.

BTW I had no idea I was cutting off half my face, sorry lol

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