Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Never accept no for an answer (part two)

It's my blog why not have fun!?!?! I was playing in the dressing room yesterday. A taste of what you will get if you make it to the fashion show this wknd. This is my Calvin Klein poise. I am still working on my Denzel glare, lol.

Sorry it took so long for me to post part two. I had a hard time getting the words out this time. However, I still hope by the end you guys get my overall point.

So I left off talking about the discovery of my greatest talent, critical thinking (click here for part one). Critical thinking is a pretty basic skill to boast about. After all, plenty of people think critically. How was I to build upon this talent so that it would be tangible to employers? And the ultimate question was how could I use it to catapult myself into the land of self employment? I figured the answers to these new questions would come in due time, but instead they came in the heat of the night (no pun intended). I woke up the next morning recalling the most amazing dream. I rarely ever remember my dreams these days and I recalled this one vividly. I dreamed, of all things that I was working on a computer program. I don’t remember what the code implemented, but I remembered the code line for line! It was like suddenly remembering how to fluently speak Spanish. To my amazement I recalled everything: variables, functions, loop, classes, statements and so on. Now I never really developed a love for programming. It took too much time, easy to mess up, and besides who wants to sit at a computer all day? However, there was no denying I was good at it back then, and in fact it was the perfect specialization for someone who enjoys analyzing every detail like me. At that moment I knew what had to be done. I was so excited to come to Ghana, and now all I wanted to do was leave. I had work to do, books to read, and jobs to research.

I had a little fire that was beginning to burn and I was adding fuel by the minute! It took me little to no time at all to connect programming to the most lucrative and fun career involving that skill. Telecommunications, mobile applications to be exact! Iphones and Androids, if there wasn’t an app for that I would build it! Here I was thinking big again, and with out the least bit of concern about the possible barriers! I found my mojo, lol! I loved it! I looked up what I would need to program for the iphone and quickly decided the cost and learning curve was too much for now (I don’t own Mac anything), but the Android OS was perfect! I could get an Android phone for cheap, the software was open sourced (free), it ran in windows, and it had the 2nd largest market share (Crackberry is #1).

I was set! I was ready to take off with this idea as soon as I hit Saint Louis… and that was exactly what I did and exactly what I am doing now. I don’t know what the future holds, but no one will ever tell me no again and make me take the back seat in my own life. I take responsibility for my reality; I am taking full responsibility of my future. So God willing this will be the last time I ever ask someone to give me a job...

I feel like I should end on a quote and these are the two that come to mind (both Outkast)

"Take back your life or survive like a punk"

"Welcome to my life, I think it's time to take it back!"

Android software development kit and virtual phone. I made it through the tutorial and got it to put my name on the screen. Not much but I am on it!


Carmen San Diego said...

I have sooo many needs for apps on my adroid... I will soo try out any you make! The Free Beta ones at first... and then I'll pay once you get great at it. lol

Chris said...

Sweeeeet! Free apps for everyone...then sneak in the upgrade fee lol