Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Never accept no for an answer

Sometimes life can put you on the road less traveled and where very few can follow. As you look down that treacherous path remember the work you have done to get there and know those works make you more than capable to get passed there. No is not an answer.

I think back to my school days and remember the drive that I had. Often times it never occurred to me what I “could not” do. I lived a life of my own design. I set the limits. I set the boundaries. After I accepted my first job, I put my life in a compromising position and I allow a company to define not only my actions, but me. I had never been the type to just let things happen and there I was at this boring desk job just letting things happen. Anyone who knew me knew I did not consider my day started until after I got off work. Imagine that? I defined my job as the punishment I paid for doing the stuff I loved instead of it being included in those things. So when I was relieved of my positions back in November 2009 you could imagine how I felt. It felt like I was no longer being grounded by my parents or the man lol.

So what to do? What to do? I have money, free time, and the world is my play ground right? Well, since I had been in “time-out” a lot had changed in the world, and I quickly saw how far I had been left behind. My friends had been working to advance their careers and here I was abandoned by my job with basically the same talents I came in the door with. I had been in neutral for going on three years now. I was clueless. I could not remember the last time had a bright idea… partly because my job did not allow them, lol. Only cookie cutter solutions were acceptable to my previous employer. Where had my passion gone? My mojo?! My “can do” Attitude? I had lost it.

After months of thinking long and hard on what I should do next I decided to go to Africa. Maybe I could find my passion through volunteering abroad, and so I spent four weeks in Ghana waking up daily thinking “what do I want to do with my life?” After the first week or so I began to think about the actual question. It is not “what I want to do” but what am I good at? What my talents are? & How can I market them? I thought even longer and harder at the newer questions. I recall this being the troubling issue the night I was dazzled by the Ghanaian night sky.

No matter how hard or how focused I was on thinking this “what are my talents” question through I could not come up with a satisfactory answer. Oh it was the worst feeling ever. Then one day, to get the spotlight back on the current cultural experience, I played soccer with the kids. What a work out! I was exhausted and so hot. That night was the first time I actually enjoyed the cold showers I had learned to endure while in Ghana. I got in bed and slept like a baby. I woke up the next morning refreshed and thinking “Chris, you think waaay too much”. I immediately laughed out loud, “I think too much?!” That IS what I do. In fact, it’s what I do best! It was right in front of me the whole time. I had been rigorously using the best skill I had to think about the best skill I had, lol. I am a critical thinker! I-am-a-critical-thinker! On the mile walk to class I began to remember all the major life decisions I made. From college choices to women, my parents never questioned me, not even my choice to go to Africa alone was challenged! Why??? Because they have known me my whole life, and they know I never make an important decision with out thinking it through to the very last detail, lol. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have made some bad decisions, but none without good reason…and good being relative to me of course :P

Man! Talk about a load off your chest, I was ecstatic about that discovery. I had finally figured out what my greatest talent was, but how would I apply it??? Later I will post part two (click here) and explain what came next. Thanks for listening guys!!!


*Keisha* said...

Hi Chris,

The view messages option is not working, so I didn't see the answer to my question.

After reading today's blog, a few more questions came to mind. Have you ever taken a personality test? It's surprising just how accurate these tests can be. Sometimes career suggestions are offered when the results are presented at the end of the quiz. ( ; ;

Have you considered starting your own non profit organization? Most people that operate non profit organizations have flexibility, and are able to use their brains on a daily basis(and not become a victim of autopilot), but most of all, they have the luxury of actually being passionate about their work.

Chris said...

Oh, sorry. I will have to go back, read, and reply again. I took a personality test in high school. I don't recall it being that useful. I have always had a wide variety in interests so those tests would always give me general results. However I will try the ones you left me, thanks!

Coincidentally, I did start a nonprofit campus org while in school (Gatech's project HONOR). I can't take full credit for it though, because it wasn't my original intent... the idea just kinda blossomed into an org!