Monday, May 17, 2010

2nd Annual Morehouse Men of Style Fashion Show Luncheon

This is a scholarship fundraiser that I will be taking part of Saturday, the 29 of May and you are all invited. I will be an ANTM for a full hour and if that is not enough you will see me accept an award (No details, its a secret).

Just in case you think I am blowing hot air. I did it last year (I just didn't tell anyone lol!) It was my first time and I was nervous, but this year I will be making love to the crowd!!! Plus I was on that rice diet in Ghana so the abs are locked and loaded! Think I'll keep the suit this year too.

I feel like I need to make this relevant to Ghana, I can't lol. However, when I got back from out the country the acceptance letter for the award was waiting on me. Upon reading the letter it reminded me that you never know who is watching you. I was nominated for an award during a time I felt I had achieved very little. I was not in school and I was out of a job, are you sure you want to give me a pat on the back for a job well done?! LOL, Anyway, I humbly accepted and took it as a challenge to make myself worthy of such an honor. I guess I just let the cat out of the bag on the award details. Oh well, I am not good at keeping secrets anyway.


*Keisha* said...

Congratulations!!! You sure are living the good life like Kanye to be unemployed. LOL!
(just kidding)

Best wishes on your next venture.

Chris said...

LOL Yeah thanks, I definitely make it look more glamorous then most. I am truly blessed though, 6 months ago I could not have imagined any of this!

I glad it happened... it needed to