Tuesday, September 14, 2010
June 30, 2010
“So much going on right now, I feel like Job. Over the course of 7 months I have lost or am on the verge of losing quite a bit. I lost my beyond fine girlfriend, my job, my savings, my peace of mind, and currently trying to stay a float with my condo mortgage. Thus far I have been unsuccessful at every attempt to get things back on track. However through it all I was given or maybe I should say it was revealed to me my greatest skill and also of everything taken from me (Even my health & strength was temporarily snatched up from a shoulder separation playing football Saturday) I was left with my greatest asset… My heart, my will to keep going when most would have given in. I have watched dreams disappear and life dwindle down to nothing but a hand full of failures yet in those darkest moments I find it in myself to keep going. It occurred to me that the singer praises God with his voice and the writer with his pen. Could it be the heart strong praises with his God given persistence? This whole time I could not see myself stopping for anything. I felt uncomfortable. Even when I took my shoulder as a sign for me to stop something pushed me to keep going. Something made me get out of the slump and realize maybe instead this is a test to see how I would continue. Seven days ago today I said I would give it my all and at the end I would say ‘job well done’. In the pass seven days I have fought back tears, depression, injuries, fatigue, frustration, hopelessness, and the list goes on every minute of every hour of each of these days. I pondered over the number of jobs I have submitted to since being laid off and I counted those that were kind enough to reply with a denial letter… 250+ and counting. It only takes one yes but good grief, that amount of rejection and let down is unimaginable to bear. To come so close so many times and miss the mark is painful. I said all that to say I think I did do a good job and whatever happens, I gave it my all and for that I am proud of myself. As this race draws nearer and nearer to a close I look back and I don’t see mistakes I see lessons learned and teaching points to whomever’s willing to listen. Well tonight is the night that I celebrate, I still have some work to finish up but I had to get that off my chest”
Now that you have read it would you believe this was weeks before I was ever contacted by my current employer? Sometimes when there is no one to cheer for you, you have to cheer for yourself. If you know in your heart you came with everything be proud of that! Who cares the outcome? Who cares what anyone says?! People are going to talk no matter what happens. I was happy for me and that was enough. And now looking back at it, my effort was something like an iceberg. It didn’t look like much to start with, but if you could only see underwater! Don’t let people write off your hard work is what I am trying to tell you! Even if what you are doing doesn’t seem to be paying off just know eventually it will bring it’s weight in gold and then some.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Is success measured in your failure?
400+ jobs applied,
200+ denial letter
20+ resume revisions
9 months unemployed
1 offer letter
Success – To stand firmly a top mounting failure. None of the numbers above are made up, in fact they are probably larger. The denial letters are what hurt the most. There was probably one for every day I was unemployed. For now I won’t go into what it takes to make the painstaking task of smiling happen when you receive a rejection letter daily. What is important to explain now is the idea that the smallest number above is the greatest number above…
I do apologize for writing so little. In fact I wrote nothing lol. However, I do have much to say on the topic. It’s just that I have such an overwhelming calm over me, a sense of relief. I can relax, I can slowly get back to a reality that is not consumed by the stress of finding a career. I can see my friends, I can post pictures on facebook, I can go out without the embarrassment of not having any money, I can laugh… I mean really laugh and that feels nice. I am sure I will be in a writing mood soon and boy do I have a whale of a tail so to be continued
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Morehouse Men of Style Fashion Show Pictures
*The five wells: "Morehouse Men are Renaissance Men with a social conscience and global perspective who are: Well-Read, Well-Spoken, Well-Traveled, Well-Dressed and Well-Balanced."
The fashion show was a great time and very humbling. Thank you Mrs Thomas, Dr. Fields. I accepted the award on the personal premises that I would continue to work hard in engineering and truly earn the honor of such an award. I had a lot of fun though! They basically let us freestyle most of it and I can get really creative if you let me. Plus my Mom was in town so it turned out to be a really nice weekend. Oh! and the food, my gosh. I kept it hood and was scrapping plates into take out boxes lol.
Friday, June 11, 2010
You yet holding on? Well keep on keeping on
Everyday is a new day yet the blessing of seeing tomorrow can often be misconstrued as a curse. For the last 7 months I have gone to bed with disappoints everyday on the out come of my job search. However, I get up the next day and TRY AGAIN! Not an easy feat to accomplish by the way. I remind myself that the fight is not over when I am tired but its over when its over. In my case the fighting stops when I get a job and until then my 9to5 is finding a 9to5. True enough some days I do give up, but I wake up the next day with my strength renewed. I would like to share a moment with you where that renewed strength did not return in the morrow. Late February, early March I began to accept that I had failed. I could feel myself letting go, quitting. It was my lowest moment in this experience and my most depressing because I had never given up on anything… the situation seemed hopeless. I had not gotten one reply! Forget interviews, I could not even get companies to respond. I mean, I would have thrown a party just to get an email saying “we regret to inform you”. I am always strong on the outside but that feeling was killing me. But! You can always bank on me to do the unexpected. Going broke, no job, on the verge of losing everything, and a broken spirit to add to the mess what did I do?!?! Spent over 3 stacks to go to Africa, lol!!! It was a game changer. I figured if I am going down I better have fun doing it! But seriously, I have given a lot of explanations of why I went to Ghana and they were all true but the most honest and sincere reason? I had lost faith. My well of inspiration had run dry. I honestly felt like my life (as I knew it) was over but throwing in the towel for me did not mean laying down. It was hail mary time, and if you have been following you know I caught that ball in the endzone! Thank God I am back in the game. Which bring me back to my point. There is no laying down, I cannot stress that enough. I don’t know what is going to happen, but to those who struggle with their own personal battles keep going, keep pushing, keep moving, keep on keeping on, and perhaps some time from now we will both be telling each other “I told you so.”
I think that is good enough. Maybe its a message that is getting old but sorry that's just what I was feeling. I’m at starbucks but I think I am about to pack my laptop back into my “satchel” (lol) and head home. I know all these blogs are serious, but it will be party time soon. I am curious to know myself what tone this blog will take on once the smoke clears.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Head against the wall
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Never accept no for an answer (part two)
Sorry it took so long for me to post part two. I had a hard time getting the words out this time. However, I still hope by the end you guys get my overall point.
So I left off talking about the discovery of my greatest talent, critical thinking (click here for part one). Critical thinking is a pretty basic skill to boast about. After all, plenty of people think critically. How was I to build upon this talent so that it would be tangible to employers? And the ultimate question was how could I use it to catapult myself into the land of self employment? I figured the answers to these new questions would come in due time, but instead they came in the heat of the night (no pun intended). I woke up the next morning recalling the most amazing dream. I rarely ever remember my dreams these days and I recalled this one vividly. I dreamed, of all things that I was working on a computer program. I don’t remember what the code implemented, but I remembered the code line for line! It was like suddenly remembering how to fluently speak Spanish. To my amazement I recalled everything: variables, functions, loop, classes, statements and so on. Now I never really developed a love for programming. It took too much time, easy to mess up, and besides who wants to sit at a computer all day? However, there was no denying I was good at it back then, and in fact it was the perfect specialization for someone who enjoys analyzing every detail like me. At that moment I knew what had to be done. I was so excited to come to
I had a little fire that was beginning to burn and I was adding fuel by the minute! It took me little to no time at all to connect programming to the most lucrative and fun career involving that skill. Telecommunications, mobile applications to be exact! Iphones and Androids, if there wasn’t an app for that I would build it! Here I was thinking big again, and with out the least bit of concern about the possible barriers! I found my mojo, lol! I loved it! I looked up what I would need to program for the iphone and quickly decided the cost and learning curve was too much for now (I don’t own Mac anything), but the Android OS was perfect! I could get an Android phone for cheap, the software was open sourced (free), it ran in windows, and it had the 2nd largest market share (Crackberry is #1).
I was set! I was ready to take off with this idea as soon as I hit
I feel like I should end on a quote and these are the two that come to mind (both Outkast)
"Take back your life or survive like a punk"
"Welcome to my life, I think it's time to take it back!"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hail to the Chief!
I took this picture the same day! I was so proud of being a chief I didn't take off the beads for a long time.
Monday, May 17, 2010
2nd Annual Morehouse Men of Style Fashion Show Luncheon
Just in case you think I am blowing hot air. I did it last year (I just didn't tell anyone lol!) It was my first time and I was nervous, but this year I will be making love to the crowd!!! Plus I was on that rice diet in Ghana so the abs are locked and loaded! Think I'll keep the suit this year too.
I feel like I need to make this relevant to Ghana, I can't lol. However, when I got back from out the country the acceptance letter for the award was waiting on me. Upon reading the letter it reminded me that you never know who is watching you. I was nominated for an award during a time I felt I had achieved very little. I was not in school and I was out of a job, are you sure you want to give me a pat on the back for a job well done?! LOL, Anyway, I humbly accepted and took it as a challenge to make myself worthy of such an honor. I guess I just let the cat out of the bag on the award details. Oh well, I am not good at keeping secrets anyway.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I don't know what it was but I ate it too! (part two)
So because I am American they took the head off for me lol. My first day teaching and I was so hungry by lunch time I actually considered eating the fish. That says a lot because I don't eat fish at all. The cassava and pepper sauce was devoured.
JUNGLE OATS?! WTH!!! I was offended but when you are starving for something familiar you will eat the most offensive of products. Its a freakin tiger on the oat meal box! Is that really necessary sir???
You see the slogan "oatso easy" classic, lol
Yeah I really ate this and I can prove it...notice half of it was gone before I took the picture. Hmmm Cassava leaves. If it was not cassava it was some kind of root plant's leaves. It tasted like a spicy spinach. It looks gross as if someone took the liberty of digesting it for me, but I did go back for round two. It was good...however not sure if I knew what else was in it.
I don't remember what this was but I ate that too. Everything was with rice. Looks like it was some onions and I don't know what else.
This was for everyone who says "Chris, you are too picky. How would you know if you never had it". LOL, I ate every last one of those beetle larve!!!!! Fried, dried, and I tried*
Its a rice ball and what looks to be chicken at first glance. uhhh, yeah it was chicken. I hope.
Frutelli was my friend! I did not trust fresh fruits so I would go to the corner store and buy this juice. The juice was like 3cedis (their dollar) so the lady would love to see us. Between me and the other volunteer we were paying her rent. To put the $3 into perspective, the same sized water bottle would be 0.20Pesways (cents) and we were buying them 3-5 at a time.
Chicken and thick than a mug bread. Bread came in loaves, unsliced, and you don't know how annoying it is to slice your own bread without ripping it.
After a successful month of teaching they had dinner in honor of me. I was nervous about the food but it was all good! And we had a great time laughing and joking. They loved to hear me say cow (nun-sh-e-way) because it was one of the many words that did not come out right when I said it. They would literally be rolling on the floor. I will try my best to never laugh at someone attempting to speak English again.
This was the meal. That red sauce was tomato based. Not like ketchup but like a combo between pizza sauce and really mild picante. It was tasty. The yellow wasn't potatoes or cassava but some other type of root that was fried. It was just like a french fry.
Sipping on hypnotic. That is the blue one right? or alize? IDK but notice the plates. They are completely empty. That day was the day I finally figured out what they were doing with the bones... they eat them. Not really a big deal, but I was puzzled for the longest because no one would ever have scraps.
*Well those are all of my food picture and don't worry, I did not eat any beetles. Those were actually tiger nuts. Not actual, actual tiger nuts but like walnuts, peanuts, tigernuts. You chew them for the juices and spit them out. I wish I had taken a picture of the black berry tree. They had these berries that tasted like now or laters!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Never accept no for an answer
I think back to my school days and remember the drive that I had. Often times it never occurred to me what I “could not” do. I lived a life of my own design. I set the limits. I set the boundaries. After I accepted my first job, I put my life in a compromising position and I allow a company to define not only my actions, but me. I had never been the type to just let things happen and there I was at this boring desk job just letting things happen. Anyone who knew me knew I did not consider my day started until after I got off work. Imagine that? I defined my job as the punishment I paid for doing the stuff I loved instead of it being included in those things. So when I was relieved of my positions back in November 2009 you could imagine how I felt. It felt like I was no longer being grounded by my parents or the man lol.
So what to do? What to do? I have money, free time, and the world is my play ground right? Well, since I had been in “time-out” a lot had changed in the world, and I quickly saw how far I had been left behind. My friends had been working to advance their careers and here I was abandoned by my job with basically the same talents I came in the door with. I had been in neutral for going on three years now. I was clueless. I could not remember the last time had a bright idea… partly because my job did not allow them, lol. Only cookie cutter solutions were acceptable to my previous employer. Where had my passion gone? My mojo?! My “can do” Attitude? I had lost it.
After months of thinking long and hard on what I should do next I decided to go to
No matter how hard or how focused I was on thinking this “what are my talents” question through I could not come up with a satisfactory answer. Oh it was the worst feeling ever. Then one day, to get the spotlight back on the current cultural experience, I played soccer with the kids. What a work out! I was exhausted and so hot. That night was the first time I actually enjoyed the cold showers I had learned to endure while in
Man! Talk about a load off your chest, I was ecstatic about that discovery. I had finally figured out what my greatest talent was, but how would I apply it??? Later I will post part two (click here) and explain what came next. Thanks for listening guys!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Arrival and the first couple of day's activities
So this is the Saturday of the week I arrived in Ghana. I was at the Ga tribe's religious ceremony. Yeah that's a goat in the background...or at least it was one.
I didn't eat the goat but I tore this cow up!!! With some thick gravy and rice, you heard me?!
It was a lot of breast meat that day! I think I did a great job of missing it with my camera. The old negro spiritual comes to mind, "swing low" and that's all I have to say about that :/
R.I.P. to the homies no longer with us
Aw yeah "po it uuup!" Double shot of jungle juice coming right up.
This was like the Ghanaian steppers ball, I was looking for African R.Kelly. "Ain't a stain on me!" You couldn't tell them nothing with those fresh white dashikis on.
BTW I got my dashiki!
That's not the "peace" sign they are throwing up. Notice the roman numeral two markings everywhere. Sorry, no explanation. It was too much going on and I did not notice in enough time to ask.
Edna and Prince. When I left in the middle of the ceremony to eat at papaye's (popeye's) Edna went with us.
I hate when I see people with Asian tattoo that aren't Asian, because they don't know what the tattoo means. I am officially a hypocrite!
The major downtown areas have nice streets and highways with names and stop lights. Outside the city is another story. I still can't understand how you have a street with no name, it is beyond me. AND DON'T THINK YOU CAN DRIVE HERE. YOU CANNOT, PERIOD!!!!
The Next day (Easter Sunday) Hayford took us sight seeing. Nobody told me where we were going. I thought I was in a slave castle. It was a light house. I was wondering why so many stairs?! lol, silly me.
Too close for comfort but I did it!
View of independence Square from the light house.
"Wonderful God", religion was integrated into everything. You could take the "wonderful God" tru-tru (van) to the "His blessings" corner store and buy some "Jesus wept" bread. I kid you not.
Goats outside their pin. Farm animals were common.
A view from the light house at some kids playing soccer among some "houses".
I believe this was a fish market or depo where they brought in and prepared the fish to sale.
Coastal view with some fishing boats in the background.
The further out you go the less "glamorous". By the time you get to where I was living the road was dirt.
Still getting use to the heat. Just having fun with my camera.
The stadium where the Black Stars play (Soccer)
Independence Square is where they first announced Ghana was free from colonial rule in 1957.
This picture is out of order. It was taken from the light house. There was an Easter celebration below us. Most holidays are done really big but of course they don't have any "mega church" size venues so they are typically outside.
Their coat of arms...no their emblem of... I don't know, it is the equivalent of our bald eagle. Sorry I don't sound college educated at all right now. That's okay I will just go touch my degrees lol.
So in certain places you just pull out your willie and let her rip where ever you want. In fact I had a dude in the middle of conversation "release the peace" and gave it a whiz right in front of me. I was so weirded out, but its nothing to them.
What do you call an African with out a drum? Sell out, lol. I am only kidding. These Ghanaian's had drums for days! No wonder we love to here the beat drop.
Megan doing her thing with the kids. You should know I don't deal with "chill-ren" that small because everybody would be in time out! "Sit down and shut up. Ain't nobody getting Popsicles today" :)
Hope you enjoyed the video and pictures!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dancing machine
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Q&A #1
I confess in so many ways I've been guilty of existing and not living and observing and not experiencing. What are some ways to transition from one to the other?
Simple…just do it! That is actually my slogan or mantra for 2010. We often let fear push us in the wrong direction, especially when we feel unprepared, or inadequate. I think you just have to take that leap of faith. Don't worry about what people say, or how it makes you look, just do it.
Ex. I am absolutely terrified of karaoke. If you want to do a scientific study on ball shrinkage put me on stage. Anyway, I had just told some one my slogan the day before I met up with them at …you guessed it …a karaoke bar. She made me eat my words. I had to get up there and do a song… I bombed! However, I DID IT and that is all that mattered. In fact I decided to have a rematch and I faced that same fear while in
You got me feeling like a life coach or something after that one :)
I've really enjoyed your blog and I am praying for your safe return.
And now my questions:
-It is often said that we are all the same. After this experience, do you feel it's true or merely a cliche?
We are definitely different! I think what people mean by that is you see some of the same characteristics in people where ever you go. I thought I would have a hard time being accepted since I was a Black American. Some times it was, some times it was not. However, there was this elderly lady who was a complete stranger to me; of all people she gave me the most sincere welcome and good bye. She was the motherly type and some personalities and characteristics are universal where ever you go. I felt like I had just hugged my grandma. She was not my Granny, in fact she was nothing like her, but the feeling was exactly the same.
-Did you find what you were seeking by taking this trip?
This is a hard one. To answer your question yes, but to completely answer your question you will have to wait on that particular post :)
-How has this trip changed you?
Let me count the ways! The biggest, most noticeable change is my drive. I think back to seeing how people were fighting for scraps and here we are sitting at the table with this large pie, scared...what are we waiting for?! GO FOR IT!!!
- Are there any misconceptions that you like to clear up?
LOL, quite a few. The first one that comes to mind is balancing things on your head is a skill! If you can master it your hands are free to do what ever you want. How many times have you dropped groceries trying to open a door or press a button? We have it all backwards. All these lower back problems come from carrying and lifting with our hands. Your back is perfectly aligned when things are on your head. lol
- What would you do if you lost your passport? LOL
I would have got a 2 dollar hair cut. No, really, that is how much they cost there. Speaking of misconceptions, here is another one. Dudes were on top of the hair cut game! Just like Black America there was a barber shop on every corner, every corner.
This was my last day in Ghana. We had a good time and took a couple of fun pictures. I had two classes I taught. These are most of the students from my 1st period.