Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Have my people call your people

Jump rope in the jungle

Coming through to customs.
Getting off the plane after a 9 hr ride...I wanted to get back on after I started to choke from the heat. Imagine the hottest summer day and you are sitting in your car with the window rolled up. That's Africa!
I just got my local phone number 233 203 :) 775 014 and I can text all day (all 12 #'s). If you can receive international calls email me or text me and i will call you. I had the hardest time getting a phone. The extra phone i brought was not unlocked and the phone they gave me is straight out of the 90s I can only call and text to regular phone numbers. No email, no picture messages, no internet, no nothing! And If that was not bad enough skype declined my credit card (I dont know why) and now that I am in Ghana all payment options are blocked off my skype account. The plus side is that i am here! Safe and sound.

Sorry about the last two videos, blogger will not upload the videos off my computer with out creating a delay between sound and video. To avoid that issue I put it on fb with "only me" as an option to view it...did not know if I linked it, it would require you to log in and prove you are me :) BUT THE VIDEO BELOW WORKS NOW, U SHOULD WATCH IT

This is my 2nd night here and I have seen and heard so much that I can not decide where to start. I have so many pictures! And I think they can tell the stories better than I can so I will work on posting a link to an album. BTW How come no one told me how hot it was! It makes you irritable, sweaty, and desire to be naked...Saan!!! That means 'real talk' in Twi

Now that i have internet and a phone it should be easier for me to communicate and blog in the future. Good night

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