Friday, March 26, 2010

Brent and Lauren

A couple of days ago I got to see my little cousins, Brent and Lauren. Lauren is almost 3 and it was only the 2nd time I have seen her. They both warmed up to me pretty quick. What can I say, Chris love the kids...even though they kept calling me Scotty (My younger brother). I guess that's what happens when you are not around. And wow, I have never heard the question why? asked so many times in one day. I got tired of answering but they never got tired of asking. It was a pretty fun day though. I did the Jim Carey "Claw", I played horsey, and the tickle monster. I even got a good night kiss from Lauren, which would have been nice if she did not sneeze in my face afterward lol. All in all we had a good time and I learned not to say Dora in front of kids! Trust me, don't do it. Today is Friday, I am suppose to go over to my Brothers house. He is throwing a party and maybe I can post an album of it here...3 DAYS UNTIL DEPARTURE!

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