Monday, March 15, 2010

Create blog...check!

10:14pm Monday the 15th. I am soooo tired and stressed out and I am no where close to leaving Saint Louis. Today I got a Typhoid shot and filled a anti-malaria prescription. In the process of driving to and fro I got pulled over for expired tags. One more and one more hurdle to add to the list. I had a budget for the trip and I am swiftly approaching that "I can not afford it" number. I keep telling myself it's worth. I remember the unbearable stress I went through to purchase my condo and the reward afterwards which was so much greater than the initial stress. I think my visa will get rejected, I just found out I should have a white background (mine is Black!) I looked at the calendar and figured the worst case scenario would allow me to overnight it to reapply on time.

Enough with the negativity. I just had some spaghetti and popped a bottle of wine open so I feel a lot better about getting everything done and within the budget I set up. Well this is my first official post and there is a lot I feel I should explain like where I am going, what you can expect in future post, why I decided to create a blog, and what in the world does kesho mean???? Well i ain't answering any of those questions because I am going to bed lol. Next time i got you

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