Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Have my people call your people

Jump rope in the jungle

Coming through to customs.
Getting off the plane after a 9 hr ride...I wanted to get back on after I started to choke from the heat. Imagine the hottest summer day and you are sitting in your car with the window rolled up. That's Africa!
I just got my local phone number 233 203 :) 775 014 and I can text all day (all 12 #'s). If you can receive international calls email me or text me and i will call you. I had the hardest time getting a phone. The extra phone i brought was not unlocked and the phone they gave me is straight out of the 90s I can only call and text to regular phone numbers. No email, no picture messages, no internet, no nothing! And If that was not bad enough skype declined my credit card (I dont know why) and now that I am in Ghana all payment options are blocked off my skype account. The plus side is that i am here! Safe and sound.

Sorry about the last two videos, blogger will not upload the videos off my computer with out creating a delay between sound and video. To avoid that issue I put it on fb with "only me" as an option to view it...did not know if I linked it, it would require you to log in and prove you are me :) BUT THE VIDEO BELOW WORKS NOW, U SHOULD WATCH IT

This is my 2nd night here and I have seen and heard so much that I can not decide where to start. I have so many pictures! And I think they can tell the stories better than I can so I will work on posting a link to an album. BTW How come no one told me how hot it was! It makes you irritable, sweaty, and desire to be naked...Saan!!! That means 'real talk' in Twi

Now that i have internet and a phone it should be easier for me to communicate and blog in the future. Good night

Video issues try watching the last video it should work

I am having problem getting service (Phone, internet, email, the whole 9). The good news is I unlocked the video below and i am working on uploading much to see and do. This weekend is a celebration of Ghana festival, not related to easter but more Pictures, videos and thoughts on the way!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I love my family

When we get down to family business you better believe its going to be funny. Even my Mom gets her a crack in. (Hope nothing said offends anyone, they are just jokes and we talk about everyone)

Its my birthday and my last day in Dallas and I could not have had a better time! Started the day off well rested, we grilled, the homies came through, we ate birthday cake, laughed all day, watched baylor lose :( , and by the end of the day my phone and email was flooded with well wishes. My phone did not stop ringing from midnight to midnight and that was by far the best feeling in the world. Thank you all so much for the love...really

Friday, March 26, 2010

Brent and Lauren

A couple of days ago I got to see my little cousins, Brent and Lauren. Lauren is almost 3 and it was only the 2nd time I have seen her. They both warmed up to me pretty quick. What can I say, Chris love the kids...even though they kept calling me Scotty (My younger brother). I guess that's what happens when you are not around. And wow, I have never heard the question why? asked so many times in one day. I got tired of answering but they never got tired of asking. It was a pretty fun day though. I did the Jim Carey "Claw", I played horsey, and the tickle monster. I even got a good night kiss from Lauren, which would have been nice if she did not sneeze in my face afterward lol. All in all we had a good time and I learned not to say Dora in front of kids! Trust me, don't do it. Today is Friday, I am suppose to go over to my Brothers house. He is throwing a party and maybe I can post an album of it here...3 DAYS UNTIL DEPARTURE!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

All packed up!

1st video, check it out! I am new at this so don't beat me down about the 123s of making a video. And please post questions that way I know what to write and talk about.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Create blog...check!

10:14pm Monday the 15th. I am soooo tired and stressed out and I am no where close to leaving Saint Louis. Today I got a Typhoid shot and filled a anti-malaria prescription. In the process of driving to and fro I got pulled over for expired tags. One more and one more hurdle to add to the list. I had a budget for the trip and I am swiftly approaching that "I can not afford it" number. I keep telling myself it's worth. I remember the unbearable stress I went through to purchase my condo and the reward afterwards which was so much greater than the initial stress. I think my visa will get rejected, I just found out I should have a white background (mine is Black!) I looked at the calendar and figured the worst case scenario would allow me to overnight it to reapply on time.

Enough with the negativity. I just had some spaghetti and popped a bottle of wine open so I feel a lot better about getting everything done and within the budget I set up. Well this is my first official post and there is a lot I feel I should explain like where I am going, what you can expect in future post, why I decided to create a blog, and what in the world does kesho mean???? Well i ain't answering any of those questions because I am going to bed lol. Next time i got you